
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fun with AVATARS

This was way fun.  I know it isn't part of my mission but everyone needs to have fun.  This was part of a professional development class I am taking on blogging.  I am going to list the sites I used for these next.  I promise.  But it is late tonight and I need to get some sleep now. :)

1.  Lego Avatar - You can make yourself into a lego person.  Even the joker!!

2.  Doppel Me - cartoonish

3.  Portrait Illustration -

4. Build your wild self - a childlike animal creation  educational and fun

5.  WeeMee - This is one of my favorites.

6.  Whimp yourself - Inspired by one of our favorite books

7.  Simpson avatar maker - Make yourself into a Simpson

8. Be Funky - "like a diaaaaaaper"

9.  Picasso Head - for the abstract in you


  1. What is the class you're taking? Is it online?

  2. I checked out a few of your links. I really liked the Build Your Wild Self creator! My students will love creating part human/part animal avatars.

  3. I checked out several of your links I wasn't familiar with. I loved the Build Your Wild Self avatar! My students will love creating avatars with this site. I liked it so much I added it to my blog entry on avatars -


  4. Aimee, I will have to check yours out. Thanks for stopping by.
