
Friday, January 28, 2011

Farm to Table even in Winter

This is what I got today in my winter CSA from
East Aurora, NY 
This summer I was so good about buying locally and then WNY winter!!  I went to the grocery store and was faced with all that produce with stickers from who knows where.  Thanks to my friend Leah I learned of this farm where I could support a local farmer and get some produce during the winter months.
  • Oranges and Grapefruit (they bring up from their farm in Florida just for me! :) There were over 100 oranges in this box plus 10 grapefruit
  • Red Potatoes
  • Apples
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Turnips
  • Radishes
  • Daikon (new veggie to me) My research has reveal Asian veggie for stir fry but if anyone has a good use for it please let me know
We also get credits to buy baked goods today I got ...
  • Cinnamon raisin bread
  • Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies
TOTAL :  $50.00
@.99cents/lb that box of citrus would cost me $40.00 at the grocery and not even organic.  It was worth the hour drive for me to feel better about the produce in my fridge.

Can you find a local farmer to support?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fun with AVATARS

This was way fun.  I know it isn't part of my mission but everyone needs to have fun.  This was part of a professional development class I am taking on blogging.  I am going to list the sites I used for these next.  I promise.  But it is late tonight and I need to get some sleep now. :)

1.  Lego Avatar - You can make yourself into a lego person.  Even the joker!!

2.  Doppel Me - cartoonish

3.  Portrait Illustration -

4. Build your wild self - a childlike animal creation  educational and fun

5.  WeeMee - This is one of my favorites.

6.  Whimp yourself - Inspired by one of our favorite books

7.  Simpson avatar maker - Make yourself into a Simpson

8. Be Funky - "like a diaaaaaaper"

9.  Picasso Head - for the abstract in you

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

Official portrait of Barack Obama
John F. Kennedy, White House photo portrait, looking up


My head hurts after listening to the State of the Union! Don't get me wrong it isn't in a bad way. I feel a little like what people must of felt like after listening to JKF ask what we could do for our country. I know, I know, but I am at a turning point in my life. I want to do what I can to make this world a better place. What can you do?

I bought a winter CSA from a local farmer. 
What is a CSA?  Community Supported Agriculture
Is there one in your area?  Let me know.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My new Blog/Mission

Food Chain 

Hello world,
I am on a journey to be a better member of the food chain.  It is difficult to know what to do in order to be a responsible consumer.
"The Omnivore's Dilemma" according to this book we are just like the hunters/gatherers of the past who could have eaten whatever they could see whenever they could grow, catch or pick it.  But it wasn't always safe.  What if you ate a poisonous mushroom and died. Well today we are faced with a similar challenge.  We can eat whatever we want no matter the season or region you live in. Just head to the grocery store and gather away!  Well just like back then it is possible to make a choice that will kill you.   Not immediately but slowly!

WHOA! - We need to be educated consumers.  We need to read labels, understand where the food comes from, know about what is in the food, etc, etc, etc,

I'm no expert but I have been working on this for awhile now.  I am also not perfect.  I don't eat all organic, I'm not a true locovore (eating only within 100 miles of me), I succumb to the pressures of being a working mom and needing convenience food,  I have a 4 and 7 year old who want candy and cookies that I can't always make.

Well I am going to try and share what I can do.  My posts may be short and to the point.  I don't have time like today to go on and on.  But I am going to try to share my knowledge to whoever is interested.  Is it possible to feel good about what you eat and still feel like it isn't overwhelming.

I'm Back!

I have been taking a class on blogging for school and some of the tools are just too fun to pass up on. Fun to share.