
Friday, April 30, 2010

Where did this week go?

So sorry I didn't post this week. I did pack good lunches and I even packed all week but there just wasn't time to blog. I might try to post all week or at least what I have.

I hope to do better next week but May is going to be crazy.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My 100th post. Wow

And no picture. I accidentally deleted the picture I wanted to use today. My son had some of the Amy's alphabet soup, goldfish, and a clementine.

However here is my 2cents. In the last episode of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Jamie was wandering around the cafeteria looking that the 'bag' lunches and he was disgusted at what he saw. I was practically screaming that the TV that I wish he could see what my son takes. Anyhow, I ate lunch today with my son and his friend who sat with us started her lunch with a yogurt squeeze tube which I know is loaded with sugar and red dye. Then she pulled out a PB&J on white, then vanilla pudding, canned peach cup, and a juice box. I can't even do the math fast enough to figure out how much sugar she had. YIKES!!!! I can't even begin to express my sadness for some of these kids who are being 'trained' to eat like this.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Final Push and Goals (lunch too:)

I wish I could take better pictures but I am doing the best I can with the time I have. :) (which is little). Spring Break is over for us. I am sure that tomorrow morning will be hectic but here we are at the final push to summer. I have big plans..

Lunch is nitrate free Hormel turkey on organic wheat bread with organic lettuce, organic carrots and ranch (not organic bc I couldn't make the switch on him), Skindiddy not organic but all natural mac n cheese puffs, a cheese stick, and organic fruit leather.

1. Make it through the year packing healthy lunches with variety
2. Plant a garden
3. Buy all produce from local farms
4. Buy organic meat
5. Shoot in the 30s a few times (golf) :)

*Lofty goals but after watching Food Inc. and Food Revolution I am driven!!!

Need to see this video - Food Revolution continues

PBS video that airs online until April 29th entitled FOOD INC. Please watch to help continue the Food Revolution we so desperately need.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kids Yoga

I hosted my first kids yoga event. PAJAMA YOGA I am so excited because the place that I used for my event is allowing me to run a summer session. I am not certified in yoga but I am a teacher so I think that I can do great things. Seeing as I don't have time to go to a workshop and still do my two other full time jobs (teaching and motherhood) I have ordered a few books. I will review these books as soon as they come in. I CANT WAIT!!!

I am becoming more and more a fan of yoga and its benefits on the mind and body. I want to bring this to the children in my life. I hope that I can help kids have fun and learn about exercise and keeping their bodies healthy. WISH ME LUCK.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Earlier in the week my son forgot his lunch so he bought and wouldn't you know it, it was a fish dog again. Excuse me, I guess they are called 'sea dogs'. Here it is! A fish stick on a hot dog bun, salad, tater tots, applesauce, and milk. Thank goodness we are on break now!!!
See you soon!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

lunch 4.15.10

Ok the salad was a flop. Apparently he didn't like the new dressing I sent. I had switched out his ranch dressing for an organic one and I thought he didn't notice. WRONG he told me today that he didn't like it and that is also why he couldn't eat the salad.

Well today I am trying soup. He has had this soup before and he loves it. I will add some crackers and fruit snacks in the morning.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

lunch 4.14.10

This is a test. I am not sure if he will eat salad but I am going to try. I promise this is the last of the ham :), cheese, goldfish, and a fruit leather.

BTW - Today's lunch got sooggy snack mix. OOPS Live and Learn.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Yesterday for today

My son forgot his backpack today so of course that means he forgot his lunch. I gave him a bit of a guilt trip as to how I spend my nights packing his lunch and the least he can do is remember them..... on an on. I am sure he feels bad... NOT Well anyway, he is getting this lunch tomorrow. Yogurt, carrot sticks and dip, ham pieces, trail mix and pickles.

On a side note he bought lunch today and he said it was grilled cheese, tomato soup, and green beans. Not bad!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

lunch 4.8.10

This was my attempt to get more light on the box before I take the picture. I don't know how much it helped. :) My son's lunch is Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips, carrots and dip, cheese curds, a fruit leather, and a TLC granola bar,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

lunch 4.6.10

I know the picture is a little dark but I am working on my 'skills'. :) Back from a long weekend for Easter here is my son's lunch. Grapes and pineapple, whole wheat crackers, some ham (which I tried to cut into shapes but failed and decided to just throw all in), a cheese stick, and a treat from his Easter basket.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day off

We have a day off today for Good Friday. I hope to enjoy God's work in the beautiful weather we have today. Happy and Blessed Easter Everyone!!